IBS Technics GmbH - our experience for your benefit

IBS GmbH is an internationally active, medium-sized engineering company with a workforce of mor than 200 employees. IBS products are characterised by their high degree of specialisation.
IBS offers its customers complete solutions with a high proportion of in-house content. Whether you require mobile flood-defence walls, stoplogs, shutoff valves or spill-retention barriers, IBS products manufactured at our production sites in Thierhaupten (Germany) and Rotava (Czech Republic) are sure to fit the bill.
With recourse to our own designers, own structural engineering department and own certified welders and fitters, our employee potential is our big strength. Expertise accumulated over 20 years allows us to react quickly and flexibly to customers' specific needs.
Customer relations are characterised by IBS's straightforward and transparent approach to communications. Our main objective is always the satisfaction of our customers, who regard IBS as a trustworthy partner dedicated to meeting their needs. A trustworthy partner who will always fulfil this trust with new product innovations.
IBS Technics GmbH introduces itself
Founded in 1994 for the purpose of manufacturing spill-retention barriers, IBS has gone on to develop its technology continuously. This technology used to prevent spillages affecting a surrounding area was used to develop the idea of stop logs and panels for use in mobile flood-defences and to stem flows of water. With great success.
Thanks to further technological developments in this area, mobile flood-defences can now be used to prevent entire districts and towns from being inundated. The big advantage of such a system is that it avoids major disruption to urban life. Thanks to the continued development of IBS flood defence technology, we were soon able to handle containment heights of up to five metres. One big market advantage - which we have demonstrated with major projects such as those in Cologne and Hamburg (both in Germany), Vienna (Austria), Bewdley (UK) or Evansville (Indiana, USA) - is our ability to protect entire towns from flooding.
Our civil-defence applications (mobile flood-prevention, hydraulic steel structures and spill retention) have been developed in parallel with our non-encased valve fittings, which quickly became another fixed part of IBS operations. Our slide-valve systems and stoplog closures are used to equip water-treatment plants, pumping stations and industrial facilities all over the world.
Have we awoken your interest in our products designed for use in civil-defence and water-supply applications? Then check out our website at www.ibsengineeredproducts.co.uk. You should be able to find all the information required to deal with your individual enquiry. Or send us an e-mail. We will get back to you as soon as possible.